Conferencias organizadas por la Red Temática de Biocatálisis

Date(s) - 22/09/2021


15:00 “Computational studies on covalent inhibition of human 20S Proteasome as a complementary approach to the world of modern drug discovery”,

Katarzyna Swiderek (Universidad Jaume I, Castellón)

15:40 “Expanding the scope of biocatalytic chiral amine synthesis”

Juan Mangas-Sánchez (CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza)

16:20 “Fabrication of catalytic bionanomaterials by dressing proteins in tailored polymers”

Ana Beloqui (POLYMAT-UPV/EHU, San Sebastián)

17:00 “Biocatalytic reaction intensification in continuous flow (micro)reactors”

Juan Manuel Bolivar (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Acceso a la retransmisión: Biocatálisis
